Is President Clinton Capable of "Embarrassment" Over His Sex Life?

In the end, the People Will Pay the Price for Clinton's Misdeeds


By: Mary Mostert, Analyst



One Associated Press reporter, writing from Little Rock, observed today, - In a move that could subject President Clinton to further embarrassment, a federal judge Tuesday ordered that the sealed court files in Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit be made public."

Later, a different Associated Press reporter, writing from Washington, wrote, referred to the release of the Paula Jones Court files as a "worry" for the White House.

U.S. News and World Report this week drones on for five pages reporting snippits from the recorded conversations between Linda Tripp and Monica Lewinsky. At one point Tripp observes that God could be involved in the President's rejection of Monica "because he made a deal with God that he wouldn't fool around if he were re-elected."

Good grief! If Linda Tripp is serious, Clinton reneged on his contract with God with Monica Lewinsky.

But, it gets worse. At the suggestion of a reader, I read the August issue of "Psychology Today." The cover shows a pensive looking Hillary Clinton, with the lead article's promo splashed across her shoulders "After Infidelity."

In case the reader missed the obvious, the article is an interview by "Psychology Today's Editor at Large, Hara Estroff Marana with Shirley Glass, Ph.d. Glass is described as "a leading expert" on infidelity and the eighteen page article is sprinkled with sidebars entitled "Advice to Hillary, all Dearly betrayed and nearly betrayed" and an ad showing Bill, Hillary and Chelsea walking together with the caption, "The toughest job in the world isn't being President. It's being a parent."

Unbelievably, in the midst of an article about infidelity and how the betrayed should "handle" it, we have these words of advice from Bill Clinton himself in an ad for the Coalition for America's Children: "Every day I work hard to meet the challenges that come with being President of the United States." (Note: Clinton almost invariably says something about "working hard" whatever the subject is.)

He goes on to say, "It's a tough job. But there's a tougher job than being the President. It's being a parent. With drugs, crime and other problems facing our children today, it's tougher than ever to be a good parent."

Really now! How about the problem facing your daughter, Mr. Clinton? You didn't mention that one. Let's amend that sentence to read, "With drugs, crime, and parental infidelity facing our children today, it's tougher than ever for kids to survive."

"It's a job that none of us can do alone," he observes. "That's why 350 wonderful organizations have come together to form the Coalition for America's Children - to help good parents raise good kids."

How do you describe a good parent, Mr. Clinton? Does a "good parent" show his concern for his children by committing adultery - not occasionally, but continuously and publicly?

The article itself manages to never mention the devastating impact infidelity of a parent, and the usual divorce, has on children. Asked by the editor "What is the single most important thing you want people to know about infidelity?" Shirley Glass responds "Boundaries." That's right. Boundaries. Not the family. Not your marriage vows. Not the children. Not personal integrity and certainly not the Ten Commlandments - especially the one about not committing adultery.

What she claims is the most important thing to know about adultery is "that it is possible to love somebody else, to be attracted to somebody else, even if you have a good marriage." She suggests "boundaries...being careful." No suggestion that fidelity and morality are even good ideas. Just careful.

We can expect in the next few weeks that we will again be treated to TV discussions on what constitutes "having sex." Does oral sex, phone sex, presidential pant-dropping, propositioning and groping unsuspecting victims like Paula Jones or Kathleen Willey constitute "sexual involvement?

The Associated Press reporter writing from Little Rock seemed concerned that the Judge's action "could subject President Clinton further embarrassment." It does not appear to me that it is humanly possible to embarrass William Jefferson Clinton. At least, it doesn't seem that he can be embarrassed by anyone knowing about his lewd, voyeuristic, warped and degrading sex notions.

And, it also doesn't appear that he can be shamed for undermining his nation by compromising its National Security either.

Sadly, the entire nation will pay a bitter price for its lack of vision in choosing, and then continuing to support, a leader who is seemingly totally consumed by his own personal, physical gratification and willing to destroy any who would stand in his way. As we are told in Proverbs, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." In the end it is the people who will suffer for their casual acceptance of a leader with no moral values.




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