Lifestyle and Longevity

From the publishers of the New England Journal of Medicine


      The health benefits of exercising regularly, keeping weight down, and not smoking are supported by a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The study found that a 50-year-old man who had never smoked, was physically active, and had a low body mass index (BMI*) was more than twice as likely to survive for 15 years free of coronary artery disease, stroke or diabetes as a sedentary, overweight smoker the same age. That's according to an analysis of more than 7,000 healthy men aged 40 to 59.


Percent Chance that an Inactive or Active Man Will Reach Age 65 Free of Coronary Artery Disease, Stroke, or Diabetes


Smoking Chart

Chart: Adapted from Archives of Internal Medicine, December 7/21, 1998, Vol. 158, p. 2436, copyright American Medical Association


This new study agrees with other research showing that smoking increases the risk for many serious health problems, including coronary artery disease and stroke. The study authors emphasize the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle early on, but they point out that reducing risk factors later in life appears to have health benefits as well.

*To find your BMI: Multiply your weight in pounds by 705. Divide the result by your height in inches, then divide by your height again.


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