October 11, 2000


Five Simple Ways to Reduce Stress



      Sometimes stress is subtle. But very often, stress practically hits you in the face. When that happens, practice these easy techniques.

      Get some physical exercise. A quick walk around the block frees your mind from what's bugging you, gets your blood circulating, and boosts flagging energy levels. Regular exercise-- with a green light from your doctor--is even better. Take a warm bath or shower, which tends to relax tense muscles and calm nerves. Talk over your troubles with a friend, relative, or professional counselor. A "sympathetic other" can sometimes help you to see a problem more clearly--or help you think of practical solutions. Count to ten when you're so upset you want to scream. It buys you time, so you can reflect on what's bothering you and calm down. Pour yourself a cup of warm herbal tea. Sip it slowly and savor its soothing warmth and aroma.




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